Your smile is often the first thing people notice about you. It’s often a source of stress if you have crooked, stained, uneven, or damaged teeth. At iHeart Dental, in Rincon, GA, we have solutions to meet your unique needs and goals, and we work hard to ensure your experience is comfortable and convenient throughout treatment. 

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry provides many oral care procedures to improve your smile’s shape, position, color, size, and aesthetics. Your specific cosmetic concerns will determine the best course of treatment for you. Due to the number of cosmetic treatments available, we’ve described each cosmetic service iHeart Dental offers, so you can decide which treatment is right for you.  

What Cosmetic Dentistry Services are Offered at iHeart Dental?

iHeart Dental provides a number of cosmetic services to meet your unique dental needs. 

  • Porcelain Crowns & Bridges – These are tooth-colored full-coverage restorations that reshape and support the teeth and improve the smile.
  • Porcelain Veneers: These wafer-thin, tooth-colored shells are applied to the front surface of your teeth, treating gaps between the teeth, chipped/broken teeth, stained teeth, and much more.
  • 3D Printed iHeart Aligners: A unique clear aligner system incorporating digital technology and 3D printing to design and fabricate clear plastic aligners used during orthodontic treatment for straightening teeth.
  • In-Office Professional Teeth Whitening: A cosmetic dental service offering the fastest and most effective whitening results.
  • Take-Home Custom Whitening Trays: Take-home teeth bleaching solutions for patients without time for a two-hour appointment. We provide you with custom whitening trays and solutions for at-home treatments.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a common cosmetic dental treatment. Suppose you have gaps between your teeth, uneven surfaces, misaligned teeth, stained teeth, or unevenly shaped teeth. In that case, veneers might be the cosmetic treatment for you. Veneers require a small amount of enamel to be removed for their placement, and they last between 10 to 15 years.

Pros of Porcelain Veneers: 

  • Cover up problems 
  • Give you a natural-looking smile
  • Stain-resistant 
  • Instant results 
  • Versatility in uses 
  • Affordability 
  • Long-lasting results
  • No special care beyond regular oral hygiene
  • Requires very little preparation

Cons of Porcelain Veneers: 

  • They are permanent 
  • Teeth can become more sensitive 
  • Limited effectiveness with badly damaged teeth
  • More costly than whitening 

3D Printed iHeart Aligners

3D-printed iHeart aligners are a modern way to align teeth. They are clear, thin, safe, and comfortable aligners that fit over your teeth. Using clear aligners involves wearing clear plastic trays that are molded to fit the impressions of your mouth. The teeth aligners are then worn for most of the day and night, and every six weeks, you receive new and tighter trays, resulting in a straighter smile over time.

There are many benefits to 3D-printed aligners over traditional aligners. For one, 3D printing clear aligners is a more stable way to produce an aligner where the smallest variations in teeth are accounted for, making a big difference in treatment outcome. 3D printing is a comprehensive process where the thickness of the aligner is taken into account, providing greater control over the force used to produce tooth movement. Beyond increased precision and accuracy, 3D-printed aligners allow faster manufacturing time and offer more customizability in treatment options. 

In-Office Teeth Whitening vs. At-Home Teeth Whitening

Both in-office whitening and take-home whitening are great solutions for a whiter smile. But how do you know which option is right for you? If you have two hours to spare, iHeart Dental’s in-office whitening offers you the fastest and most effective results. After the two-hour treatment, we will give you customized whitening trays and gels to take home so you can continue your teeth bleaching every night for 30 minutes to an hour over two weeks. The in-office portion shows results immediately, and with take-home trays and gels, you can enjoy maximum whitening benefits.

If you do not have two hours to spare, our office also offers take-home custom whitening solutions to fit your schedule. Our office will provide custom whitening trays and solutions for at-home treatment. Though it takes longer to see results, this option offers whiter teeth starting after about one week of continuous whitening. This treatment must be continued for six to eight weeks to help ensure the results are long-lasting. Make sure to stick to your whitening routine to ensure you experience the full benefits of the treatment. This option is also typically less expensive than in-office whitening. 

Cosmetic Dentistry Solutions at iHeart Dental

Regain confidence in your smile and schedule a comprehensive consultation today at our Rincon, GA, office. We ensure each patient’s visit is comfortable, convenient, and positive while we build treatment plans to address their needs. The team at iHeart Dental looks forward to partnering with you, meeting your goals, and helping you smile brighter than ever before. Contact us today to schedule your next cosmetic appointment.

Misty M. Seale, DMD

Dr. Misty M. Seale, DMD, a graduate of the Medical College of Georgia, specializes in general, preventative, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry and is the proud owner of iHeart Dental. Her practice emphasizes comfort, convenience, and personalized patient care, providing a cozy environment that feels like a home away from home. Outside of her passion for dentistry, Dr. Seale enjoys spending time with her family, camping, and Jeeping.

Misty M. Seale, DMD, dentist at iHeart Dental in Rincon, GA

A Smile is the Key to Everybody’s Heart

We are dedicated to providing the highest-level dental care in a comfortable and relaxed setting while giving love, compassion, and respect for our patients and their dental needs leading to a healthier smile.